Friday, January 8, 2010

7 Quick Takes Friday Part XXXI

1. Right after I wrote my last 7 Quick Takes post a few weeks ago, I started my next one, listing a few topics for Quick Takes that I wanted to briefly expound upon for the next week in which I got around to posting. After a couple ideas, I listed as a topic the surprising ease with which I had reacquired the habit of considering everything that happens as blog fodder. When I went back a re-read the draft after a couple of weeks, I realized that certain skills don't come back as easily. Specifically, the skill of considering whether all possible blog fodder is actually worthy blog fodder. My glasses fogging up when I walk into a building in the cold weather? Really? I thought I should write a whole Quick Take about that, and actually show it to other people?
2. For Christmas this year, I got not 1, but *2* flannel nightgowns, from different sources (Mom and Rhett). I love them. They're pretty and floral and warm and I find it so freeing to be able to sleep in a dress!
3. Rhett got me the nightgown because I had pointed it out as pretty when we were in a store, and mentioned how I'd had a hard time finding regular nightgowns, not sexy lingerie. My sister Suellen's take: "Poor Rhett. He sees you walk over to the pajamas, and there you are, standingright next to the lingerie, but nope, you're looking at the old lady flannel pajamas instead!" Luckily, he likes me, old lady fashions and all!
4. Speaking of old-fashioned, Rhett bought me an apron a few months ago, from the gift shop of the Little House on the Prairie musical, and I hadn't had much opportunity to wear it. Baking pies before Christmas, I had it on, and my mom snapped a picture with her phone. She didn't have his number, so I gave it to her and she sent him the picture, captioned "Baking pies like on the prairie!" But he never got it. She had transposed two of the digits in his phone number. Somewhere out there in the airwaves, or on some stranger's phone, is a picture of me in a blue flower-print apron, baking pies like on the prairie.
5. And when I say "like on the prairie," I mean "like on the prairie." Since my parents went all-natural, I wasn't allowed to use a store-bought pie crust (preservatives! corn syrup!hydrogenated oils! Oh, the humanity!) I had to make the darn thing from scratch, and it wasn't easy. I don't think pastries are my forte.
6. I'm writing on Wednesday, before I rush off to get to my apartment to clean up the chaos. I'm doubtful I'll have time to write much more in the next couple days, so I won't have 7 developed Quick Takes.
7. Wish me luck!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. I love the Little House nightgowns too. But my husband thinks I looks more like Doc Baker in them than Caroline Ingalls.

  2. Betty - LOL! I don't even want to know who I'd look more like; I'm not sure anyone else sees what I see in them! (But I do think you're lucky your husband knows who Doc Baker is!)
