Friday, July 3, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday Part XXI

1. My cousin, as we listened to a local radio station's weekend-long tribute to Michael Jackson: "It's sad about his death, but this is the best weekend for music in years."
2. ". . . and in your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety, as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ." Joyful Hope. It's been a long time since my waiting has been joyful or hope-filled, but I'm awash in Joyful Hope this week. Alleluia!
3. I started Twittering this week. I still haven't quite figured out what I'm doing, and I'm reluctant to link to it here because it's attached to my real name and the real-live me. But if you really want to follow me on Twitter, go ahead and e-mail me and I'll give you my Twitter name or whatever that's called. Twitter's got a confusing lexicon.
4. Speaking of e-mailing me, you will now be able to do that, as I've added a link to my blogger profile, which of course itself contains a link to my e-mail address. I had always vaguely wondered how someone could know my e-mail address from this blog, as there didn't seem to be any way to get to my profile, unless I commented on my own posts (which, of course, I do from time to time). It never occurred to me that I could do something about this seeming difficulty until, oh, a minute ago.
5. Speaking of Twitter - anyone have any tips on, like, how it works? I feel a little lost. Maybe if I had my bearings, too, I'd be more likely to share my Twittering more widely.
6. Hmm . . . here I am, composing a 7 Quick Takes Friday, which I don't do all that often anymore, and it occurs to me; I'll be on a blissful vacation in my favorite place in the world, mostly internet inaccessible, come Friday. Oh well. My Quick Takes will be posted, but likely won't be linked to from Conversion Diary. Worse things have happened.
7. I like to use Roman numerals to number my 7 Quick Takes posts, because Roman numerals are cool. They are also, to my Arabically-formed mind, not particularly intuitive. That's why my recent Quick Takes were numbered 17, 18, 14, 20. That's what you get for trying to be cool.
Check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!

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