Friday, September 11, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday Part XXIX

1. My (relatively) new cell phone has this little quirk that's been driving me crazy. Whenever I text anything at all, it capitalizes the word "That's." If I write "that" in the middle of a sentence, it's fine, but as soon as I add that "'s," the first letter immediately jumps into uppercase. Why oh why does it do this? I've become fairly well convinced that people who create technology add in things like this on purpose just to mess with us.
2. I got an answer on one of my mystery saints last week (Bl. Miguel Pro!), so I'm making another plea: Please look at the pictures of saints I've posted here (some are new over the past week) and tell me if you recognize any of them! I'd really appreciate it!
3. I've visited a famer's market each of the past two days, and I'm loving it. I so can't afford to buy my meat and produce from farmer's markets, but I love to do it. I love choosing foods outside - nothing seems natural in the artificial environment of a supermarket - I love knowing my food is fresh, I love that my business supports the little guy. I'd be at a different farmer's market each day if I could, but just two days in a row feels like it's going to break the bank.
4. On that note - does anyone have any good recipes for tiny little eggplants, summer squash, or fingerling potatoes? Can't let these precious resources go to waste!
5. My bed (see #6 here) finally arrived at the beginning of the week. So far, so good, and sleeping on an air mattress is just like sleeping on a regular bed, despite my worries. I did just today buy egg crate foam to put over it, in hopes that the slightly plastic-y sound and feel of it would diminish, but that plastic feel was the only (very minor) drawback.
6. While at Bed, Bath, & Beyond this evening, I had the most lovely and pleasant conversation with the woman who was helping me. I'm not much of a talker, but for some reason she and I ended up talking about everything from school to career plans to names (mine and others', and I'm disappointed now to think that I never got her name.) It was one of those nice daily interactions with a stranger that reminds you that there are nice people out there who are worth getting to know, and it makes you think that all is right with the world.

I love nice people.
7. I have an interview today - maybe as you're reading this - for an internship that I need to complete my degree. Wish me luck!
Check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary!


  1. Oh man -- I love going to the farmers market as well! Do you know what I love even more? Taking the kids with me! The farmers market is just the best!

  2. Well, folks who create texting technology are very concerned about proper language usage, kwim?
    You might try a CSA in the spring, they are fun, too, and can sometimes be cheaper.
    Thanks for the takes, best on your interview.
