Friday, March 13, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday Volume XI

1. The lifting of the ban on federal funding for stem cell research has been on my mind a lot lately. I just can't wrap my mind around people actually thinking it's OK to use human life like a tool, as a means to an end. Is nothing sacred?
2. In the same vein, I'm trying to figure out why the general opinion is that cloning for research is A-OK, while cloning for reproduction is morally repugnant. I think they're both morally repugnant, but if I really, really had to choose, I think I'd have to prefer cloning for reproduction - wouldn't you rather create life to let it live than create life to destroy it?
3. Like I said, I'm leaving tomorrow on vacation. I hope to have internet access sometimes, so I may post occasionally, but don't expect much action over here, especially as I don't have many posts scheduled.
4. As I was walking down the street this weekend, I overheard two girls talking about how unfair it is that women have a biological clock and men don't. "I mean, a girl has to find a husband, marry him, and have kids between the ages of, like, 28 and 35." I'm sorry, honey, did your bio teacher forget to mention that you can have kids beginning in puberty? I'm not advocating 13 year-olds having kids, but do you really have to chop off the first fifteen years of a woman's fertility?
5. I've been thinking about how and if one should engage people who are pro-choice. A girl in one of my classes - not a friend, but a friendly acquaintance - regularly wears a pin like this one:

Its meaning is obvious. The issue itself, though, hasn't come up. If it did, of course I'd defend life, but do I have an obligation to bring it up anyway, when someone's wearing a pin like that? And even if it weren't an absolute moral obligation, should I do so anyway?
6. I've been thinking a lot about NASA lately. Theoretically, I find space so interesting. When I was little, I wanted to be an astronomer when I grew up, and I got a telescope for my 8th birthday. I always loved learning about planets and stars. And yet. . . large parts of me can't stop from going, "But it's SO expensive!" We spend so much money in space - it's inherently expensive, obviously - and what's the point, really? It's essentially knowledge for knowledge's sake, and I want that to be reason enough, but I can't decide whether it is.
7. It was snowing when I left the house this morning. Snowing. I'm leaving for spring break in the morning. I thought I'd be packing shorts. Maybe not?


  1. I found you through the Quick-takes.

    Here is the thing, satan has done a very good job with the "its just a wad of tissue." I used to be pro-choice. If you tried to tell me just about anything at that time, I would have written you off as a religious nut.

    I am so very thankful to not have ever been in the situation to make a choice, and I don't know which choice I would have made.

    I do think it is interesting that we don't hear that the rate of illicit drug use and alcoholism is higher after an abortion. That implies that women are feeling guilty over it.

    My advise about the person you know, pray and ask God to lead you to a conversation if He desires it. If not . . . just leave it alone.

  2. Thanks for participating. Also, I've also been thinking about #1 a lot lately as well. It's like we're living in some really dark sci-fi movie. So disturbing.

    Anyway, hope you have a nice vacation!

  3. I feel the same way about pro-choice pins and bumper stickers. I always feel like maybe I should say something. But I'm not sure it's the best plan. I say a prayer for the person. I think if you pray often enough and this is someone you see regularly that if you're meant to talk about it the conversation will happen. Just a thought but maybe you're being called to wear a pro-life button that will spark the conversation?
